Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just a "Talking Shit" Morning...

I must've woken up in one of those moods to get under people's skin today! haha All morning, I've either been talking shit or just ridiculously sarcastic to people! A few examples...

On my way to work, one of my friends texted me about how she apparently, went to sleep last night around 8 something..and didnt wake up til almost 9am...(it was 8:50 something when she was texting me, so i assume she had just woken up...) and that she was already tired again O_o which made no sense to me...so...I respond:

"You're lazy. Hit yourself repeatedly til you slip into a coma. Get at me in ten yrs when you have some energry. hahaha!" >:-] mean. I know. I know.

After I got to work...my coworker sends a mass email to everyone in the company (except for the bosses) sayint aht she wants to put together some kind of post card and send it to customers with group shots of all of us...So I, not being able to resist, click reply all...and attached photos I had taken of my coworkers taking out the trash. Then, I wrote "memories....light the corner of my mind..." hahahah Someone responds that we "CANT" send pics like that to our customer...n i go (very edward-like): "hey hey hey...i just feel that it would be great to show our customers the softer, more caring side of [[company name omitted]]...To you, it might seem like we're just taking out the trash...but to them...they'll see individuals who CARE about the environment!!!! :-) GO GREEN!"
I'm pretty sure a few of them are quitely hating me right about now...

After that, I was just joking around with my best friend Angie (you notice I talk a lot of shit with her?? haha) and I just came out of no where with this: "u kno what would be kinky for a hispanic to do? have either the guy or the girl dress up in a costume;for the girl,she could dress up in a statue of liberty consume.or if its the guy doing it,have him dress up as "Uncle Sam"...that way,FOR ONCE the hispanics could say that he/she is fucking America, rather than the oth...er way around. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!! lmfao"

It was so funny, I even added it to my fb status...O_o just to see if anyone would say anything ahaha...

Yes yes. Its one of "those" days.


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