Monday, July 12, 2010

APOSTADAY: Point of View

Prompt from The One-Minute Writer

Think about a time you were recently in public. Describe what you were doing, from the point of view of a stranger observing you.

Point of View

The J train was arrived at Myrtle avenue and he got on. He looked mad but it might have just been that typical "New York" face. You know, that "mean" expression people get in public places just so now one messes with them. He looked around the train car, from one end to the other. He kind of seemed to be looking for someone. Or, maybe he was just taking a look at his surroundings. His eyes lingered on one particular female that was looking out of the window, while listening to some music on her Ipod. I guess she must be his type. After a while, he looked down at the floor. I wonder if he was thinking of that girl, or perhaps something else. He took another look around the train car, almost as if to see if anyone was looking at him. This was kind of suspicious to me. "I'd better keep an eye on this one", I thought to myself. Just then, he did something I truly did not expect. He picked his nose. I couldn't stop myself from cringing at the sight of this and he must've noticed. He glanced at me. I glanced back. He stood there, for what seemed like an eternity, looking into my eyes, his finger still slightly in his nose. Awkward.

Rough day. Bare with me! :-P
And I made it with 7minutes to spare...

1 comment:

A Pen In Neverland: Angela Peña Dahle said...

Good exercise to follow. I haven't done one of these in ages. Good to see you are writing. I'll take another look sometime. Keep it up. Thanks for sharing!