Monday, May 11, 2009

Just A Random Thought...

I dont know how these thoughts pop into my head....buuut....I guess thats one of the "gifts" of being bored out your ass at work....In any case, wouldnt it be interesting if, instead of whooping your kids ass whenever he or she acts up, you just sit on their head and fart? lmaooo I mean think about it, if you hit them...sure, it'll hurt that in that instance...but that pain sometimes quickly fades away...and they might soon forget the lesson learned for their lil act of idiocy....HOWEVER, if you really manage to throw a viiiicious talkin one bad enough to singe the nostrils......that kind of damage (both emotional, and physical) could take YEARS to fix....and they'll certainly think twice before acting a fool.....

:-) imma be such a good friggin dad.....OoOw!

LMAO Peace

1 comment:

Taterpie said...

"that kind of damage (both emotional, and physical) could take YEARS to fix....and they'll certainly think twice before acting a fool....."

LMMFAO!! XD Only you would say some shit like that,LOL, that's why I love yo crazy ass tho!

WHEW! Shit that was funny....LOL.