Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gift From Bosses

We just had a little holidays lunch here at the office. It was pretty cool...(well i thought it was gonna be gay at first, but it turned out pretty nice lol)... They had us all "anonymously" write a lil something on cards for each other and the bosses made sure we all received it with a lil gift from them as well. It was soooooooo nice and simple. I definitely appreciate it. My boss' wife even got a lil emotional when she was talking to us and read one of her fav. cards outloud. It was sweet...

I loved this because the yin yang symbol is one of my fav. symbols...I don't really wear jewelry, buuuut I'll rock this :-P

This is what the gift, and the cards came in. It's pretty nice.

This is turning out to be a not-so-gay xmas after all :-P hahah


1 comment:

Bombchell said...

the case looks so pretty!!